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A member registered Aug 15, 2016

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That thing's an outdated POS.

"Change weapon stats"

I think you mean attachments.

I feel like I'm sniping the taliban on dustbowl lmao.

Btw please add different x scopes like 2.5x, 5x. 10x.

Also 40x :3

A pistol would make more sense.

No actually a knife no one carries pistols in their planes like WW2 any more.

(1 edit)

Tbh I only want one (two) things.

The Jeep to have a bullet proof windshield and a .30/.50 cal on the back so people can get on and use It.

If one locks on just do a shit ton of crazy maneuvers.

Boi do you know how heli's work.

That's not intended, It never spawns sideways for me.

What drugs are you people on.

Do you understand LAN servers are run by the users, not by him? It doesn't cost him anything (from what I know.)

You can change It, you just press 1,2,3,4,5 or 1,2,3,4 ._.

What are you using, a dusty toaster?
(1 edit)

I'm Australian as well :D

Yeah we have terrible wifi, yet we invented wifi :/

i fukd um mum last nikt

Jk, only thing I've suggested is a easier option for switching Q or other buttons to aim on laptop. instead of input which some people might not be able to figure out for some reason.

Too bad, that's what most FPS games use as the crouch button.

You realise you can change inputs, right?

Das a nice thumbnail.

Sorry If this has already been suggested, but will laptop players be able to change the controls so that they can assign a button like Q to aim? Kinda hard no scoping from range.